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Prototype Z

Engine: Unity

Role: Programmer

Contribution: Implementation of Inventory and items.


Prototype Z is a local co-op 2.5D zombie shooter where up to four players can play at a time. The objective is to turn the power back on and reach the extraction point while facing an ever-growing horde of zombies. Guns and items can be found around the map to aid players. However, it is only possible to reach the objective with coordinated teamwork!

Prototype Z taught me to organise and plan code in a group setting. I oversaw the inventory and all related elements (items, UI functionality, etc.). Since the inventory mechanic intertwined with others (for example, purchasing items and equipping guns), I made sure to make the inventory mechanics easy to use, add to and to adjust. All my contributions can be found on Git in the inventory folder.

This project was a lot of fun and also taught me how to communicate efficiently with my peers. Whenever we felt behind on our schedule, I suggested a meeting. Within these meetings, we'd discuss new deadlines for mechanics / fixes and deal with any scoping problems we encountered. This way, we were able to stay realistically ambitious. It also prevented any extra stress or frustrations, keeping the team stable. 

Here is a general list of my contributions:

  • Inventory (Including UI functionality)

  • Inventory Controls (Moving, Dropping etc)

  • Pick Up + Drop Items

  • 11 Unique Item usages

  • Guns in inventory taking up two spots instead of 1

  • Using an item takes time and requires players to stand still and not be hit


Here is some gameplay footage:


@2024 by Jotham Odunuyi

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